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Yuhwa (The Goddess of the Willow Trees) (Flute Alone)


Yuhwa (The Goddess of the Willow Trees) (Flute Alone) By Adolphus Hailstork, Published By Theodore Presser Company. 

In Korean mythology, Yuhwa was the daughter of a River God, tricked into marrying the Sun God. She escaped back to her homeland and gave birth to a son who became the founder and monarch of Korea’s northern kingdom. The symbolic willow tree is considered a source of healing in Korean folklore and elsewhere around the world. Hailstork’s 6-minute depiction is a luscious mix of innocent (and catchy) melody, blended with fascinating drama and texture to create a concert work that both stands on its own as pure music and depicts the legend of the goddess Yuhwa.

 Watch the premiere performance by Mimi Stillman below!