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Light Among Flowers (Flute Alone)


Composer: Penman, Katrina

Light Among Flowers (Flute Alone) by Katrina Penman, Published by Brotons and Mercadal. 

These compositions were written in Spring and Summer 2022, inspired by the paintings of Pablo Giménez in the fields around Valladolid.  I had the opportunity to accompany the painter and create these pieces of music outside in the fields.

The first two pieces should sound improvisatory in nature, and for this reason they contain indications of notes or small sections that may be freely repeated by the performer, always varying the speed and intensity so as to portray the mobility of the plants and their ephemeral nature.

1. Amapolas – seres efímeros (Poppies – ephemeral creatures)
2. Adormideras bajo una tormenta de verano (White poppies beneath a summer storm)
3. Primavera (Springtime)