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Hymns for Advent and Christmas for Unaccompanied Flute


Hymns for Advent and Christmas (v.1) for Unaccompanied Flute

Arranged by Carolyn Krysl-Hutchinson

I have arranged these Advent and Christmas hymns for solo flute with the following in mind:
+ We play for the glory of the Lord and not our own. I have endeavored to be creative without
including passages that are too flashy or virtuosic.
+ Each hymn expresses biblical truth and has been tested by time.
+ They should be accessible for amateur and professional flutists alike.

Contents: O Come, O Come, Emmanuel, Of the Father’s Love Begotten, The Holly and the
Ivy, Silent Night, Holy Night, Lo! He comes with Clouds Descending, I Sing the Birth Was Born
Tonight, Lo How a Rose E-er Blooming Come, Thou Long-expected Jesus, Sing We Now of
Christmas, God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen, Good Christian friends, Rejoice!, Pat-A-Pan, God’s
Dear Son Without Beginning, On this Day earth Shall Ring.